The only live music and variety show aired nationwide today, A Prairie Home Companion features comedy sketches, music, and Garrison Keillor's signature monologue, "The News from Lake Wobegon."
This week on A Prairie Home Companion, a summer show for dear, sweet mother. Duane is on the receiving end of another dose of smothering mother-love, the Rankin Family sings "Tell My Ma," and mom visits the campsite in an episode of The Lives of the Cowboys. Rich Dworsky sings "Mama Is a Dancing Girl," Robin and Linda Williams sing "Mama's Hungry Eyes" and Walter Bobbie is back as a long-suffering mother for her son Buddy. Plus in Lake Wobegon, tuna hotdish calls a boy home to his mother.
Join us for A Prairie Home Companion, Saturday afternoon at four on Classical 90.5.
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