In the legendary Kingdom of Mustang, a remote corner of the Himalaya previously off-limits to outsiders, a team of explorers and scientists climbs for the first time into human-carved caves thousands of years old. Their dark portals beckon with the promise of a glimpse into a lost world.
What they find goes far beyond their expectations, rocking the Himalayan world and rewriting the history of this remote and mystical region. They find priceless 14th-century wall paintings, ancient human remains and a centuries-old hidden library of sacred texts that may reveal some secrets about Shangri-la. The treasures include piles of old Tibetan manuscript folios, some printed in silver and gold. Each vertical move into a cave opening is a step into the unknown.
Inside caves in the legendary Kingdom of Mustang, a team of climbers, explorers, archaeologists, anthropologists and art historians discovered a rare library of ancient Tibetan texts, thousands of hand-inked folios adorned with small paintings
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