There are two bills now being considered on Capitol Hill that could mean a new way of looking at health insurance and mental illness. We'll hear the latest developments from Christopher Conover...
We'll hear a report from Luis Carrion on the use of acupuncture to help with recovery from chemical dependence...
Claudine LoMonaco talks with Tucsonan Kathe Padilla about her work, building a home for orphans in the central African nation of Zambia...
[Zambian Children's Fund] (
Photos by the Zambian children: [Smithsonian Magazine] (
[Kids With Cameras] (
The proud tradition of Flamenco dance plays an important role in the life of one Tucson woman and her family, in a story produced by Martin Rubio...
ARIZONA SPOTLIGHT is heard every Friday morning at 9:30 and evening at 6:00 on KUAZ Radio 89.1 FM / 1550 AM.
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