April 18, 2008 edition of Arizona Spotlight, with host Mark McLemore.
The proposed Rosemont Copper Mine in the Santa Rita Mountains has been a source of controversy since it first was announced. Tony Paniagua visits the proposed site, about 30 miles southeast of Tucson in the Santa Ritas, to look at the impact the mine could have on the surrounding area.
Hear from both sides on this highly-charged issue, in a debate moderated by Bill Buckmaster. Guests are Kathy Arnold, director of Environmental & Regulatory Affairs for Rosemont Copper, and Gayle Hartmann, an anthropologist and the president of the citizen's group Save Our Scenic Santa Ritas.
Longtime NPR journalist and host Scott Simon talks to Mark McLemore about his latest work, the humorous political novel "Windy City", as well as the real-life politics in his hometown of Chicago, and more.
Listen to extended interview:
Arizona Spotllight is heard every Friday at 9:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on KUAZ Radio 89.1 FM / 1550 AM.
Listen to April 11th Edition - Citizenship, solar, methamphetamine
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