The Annual Meeting of All Appointed Professionals and Employee Fair is Tuesday, October 4 from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Student Union Memorial Center North Ballroom. UA President Eugene Sander is our featured guest. President Sander will be speaking and answering audience questions. Members from the President’s Cabinet will be present, as well as leaders from the Faculty Senate, SPBAC, SAC, ASUA, and GPSC governance organizations. This year we are debuting an Employee Fair showcasing the diverse resources and organizations on campus that provide services, support and recreation for all employees.
Schedule of events: 2:00 PM - Employee Fair Opens (Over 30 tables representing Family Support, Personal and Professional Development, UA Recreation and Enjoyment, and Community Involvement resources) 2:45 PM - Annual Meeting of All AP with Q&A by President Sander 5:00 PM – Employee Fair Closes
Our role as the Appointed Professionals Advisory Council is to serve our AP constituents in UA shared governance. Please come to our meeting and meet your APAC representatives and fellow AP. Let us know how we are performing. We are here to serve and communicate your concerns.
Please feel free to come and go as your schedule allows. Refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there!
Live streaming online at:
For more information on the event and APAC:
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