In 1930s France, petty criminal Henri Charrière known as Papillon, is wrongly convicted for the murder of a pimp. He receives a life sentence to be served on Devil's Island, the notorious French penal colony off the coast of French Guiana.
On the boat to Devil’s Island, Papillon, befriends forger and embezzler, Louis Dega. After some time on the island, the tow begin planning their escape. They succeed and make it to the mainland, where they are eventually caught and returned to Devil’s Island.
Papillon and Dega make several more unsuccessful attempts to escape, enduring torture, years of solitary confinement, and betrayal. As Papillon’s yearning for freedom grows, Dega’s spirit begins to break. Papillon plans his final escape, but cannot persuade his good friend and ally to join him.
Hollywood at Home presents Papillon, Wednesday at 8 p.m. on PBS-HD 6.
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