In cooperation with Tucson Values Teachers, Arizona Spotlight presents a special series called Teachers' Voices. These conversations between educators, administrators, and students gives them a chance to share personal stories about the struggles and triumphs of their daily school experience.
How early in a child's life should parents really start trying to verbally communicate, and share the basics of reading? Experts say it's never too early, and the desire to make sure that Arizona's kids start school already familiar with the fundamentals of literacy is the driving force behind the program called First Things First.
Next, hear a conversation between educators and friends Eleanor Droegemeier, the regional director for the First Things First South Pima Regional Partnership Council, talking with Mary Jan Bancroft, the executive director of Make Way for Books. Both have seen many examples of the benefits that early childhood learning can bring...
Teachers' Voices will air bi-weekly throughout 2012 on Arizona Spotlight, funded in part by The Arizona Department of Education and Cox Communications.
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