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Amazon constructing new sort center

The online retailer plans to open the facility by the end of 2021, employing hundreds.

Local businesses and schools adapt to changes in COVID restrictions

Following orders from Gov. Doug Ducey, schools will offer in-person classes starting this week.

Unemployment leveling out at pre-COVID levels

Pandemic unemployment is still higher than regular unemployment.

Vendors cope with Tucson Gem and Mineral Show cancellation

Tony Paniagua reports on how some companies are operating despite the cancellation of the main event.

Reflecting on Arizona’s pandemic one year in

Experts weigh in on we've learned since last spring.

Report: Arizona on track for 11% jobs increase over 2 years

Arizona’s economy lost 155,000 jobs during the two years that ended in the second quarter of 2020, with nearly all of the job losses attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID concerns send 2021 volunteer tax assistance online

Almost 14,000 taxpayers used the free service last year.

A look at economic help for Arizonans one year into the pandemic

Despite federal and state aid, many Arizonans are still at risk of going hungry or losing their homes.

Oak Flat: Opposing op-eds try to sway public opinion

While Resolution Copper brought up the positive economic impacts of a mine, the San Carlos Apache Tribe calls out desecration.

Federal court hears case for preliminary injunction at Oak Flat

The judge said he will decide if he's going to temporarily stop progress on the mine by Feb. 12.

San Carlos Tribal members run to advocate for Oak Flat

The group is running from the religious site to Phoenix before a court hearing discussing the area's future.

UA research: Arizona economy recovering with big variances

Most of the recent job growth has been in Phoenix

AZ weekly unemployment continues to be a mixed bag

The two major programs in the state are heading in the opposite direction.

Wall construction provided economic boost to border city Douglas

President Biden ordered construction to stop on the new wall system.

Unemployment rate drops in Arizona, remains high

The state rate is still higher than the U.S. rate.

State keeping unemployment trust fund solvent

CARES Act dollars will keep unemployment fund in the black.

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