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Transformative Education

HB 2281 and concern for future of Raza Studies in TUSD lends urgency to week-long conference.

D-M Change of Command

Life in the military involves moving every few years, usually that is not accompanied by the full ceremony that the military can muster, unless the move involves a change of command

Senate Debates Come to AZPM

Arizona Public Media is the home for GOP and Democratic US Senate Debates

All Politics is Local

When does a local issue begin to matter in a national election? The experts say as soon as the media spotlights the issue.

Commercial Real Estate bottoms out, follows national trend.

Empty storefronts line Tucson's most traveled corridors, but experts believe recovery is coming.

Political Focus - Brewer White House Dustup

Governor Jan Brewer is angry with the White House about how she learned that Arizona is being sued over SB 1070

Refugees in Tucson: Lives as Immigrants Contribute to Our Community.

The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives.

"Beat the Peak" Water Conservation Program Underway

Tucson Water has kicked of its annual "Beat the Peak" water conservation campaign, but the message for 2010 goes beyond the typical focus of reducing summertime water use.

Solar Energy and Water Concerns

Solar energy is a natural for Arizona, but is there a drawback? Some people say generating power from the sun can use too much water and Arizona can't afford that.

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News, Tucson
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