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Apache 8

A compelling tale of a remarkable all-women wildland firefighter crew from the White Mountain Apache Tribe. Encore presentation Sunday at 5 p.m. on World.

The Archeological Treasures of Homolovi State Park

Discover a place in Northern Arizona that is sacred land to the Hopi, a budget-troubled state park, and a storehouse of ancient relics.

Prime Suspect

Detective Inspector Jane Tennison stormed onto PBS with “Prime Suspect”, and quickly became a favorite on both sides of the Atlantic. Friday at 10 p.m. on PBS-HD.

Smartest Night of Television

Join PBS for the smartest night of television as NOVA presents parts one and two of “Hunting the Edge of Space.” Wednesday beginning at 9 p.m. on PBS-HD.

Antiques Road Show Marathon

Host Mark Walberg and crew visit Palm Springs, California. Monday beginning at 8 p.m. on PBS-HD.

Riding for a Reason

Bikers form a national protection squad to protect abused children

Making Business Dreams Come True

More women are taking chances on following their professional passions, in spite of the recession

Web Feature: On the Playing Field, Life Goes On

An all-veteran, all-amputee softball team reconnects with their love for the game

Finding a Home for Medical Marijuana

As state finalizes regulations about medical marijuana, local residents look for dispensary sites--and find a host of complex requirements

Episode 9: Business and the Skilled Workforce

Another round of funding cuts to the state's public universities bodes ill for the economy, regent chair says

A Humane Touch

New Humane Society of Southern Arizona vice-president Kerri Burns brings first-hand experience with animal rescues and law enforcement

Bernadette Peters sings with the Tucson Symphony

The stage and screen diva talks about her upcoming Tucson concert, her passion for the songs of Stephen Sondheim, and her love of dogs.

How Lisa Napoli Found Her "Radio Shangri-La"

A mid-life crisis sent this successful public radio producer to Bhutan, where she helped establish the nation's first youth-oriented community radio station.

Behind The Britcoms

FROM SCRIPT TO SCREEN A look inside the hearts and minds of the writers, producers and actors of your favorite British comedies. Saturday at 8 p.m. on PBS.

Teachers' Voices

Hear how the love of music brought together an Opening Minds Through the Arts teacher and a student. A touching story of adoption. Part of Arizona Spotlight, Fridays at 8:30 a.m. on KUAZ-FM.

Pima County Pumps Up Preserve

Aided by lower prices, County is adding nearly 200 acres to Sweetwater Preserve northwest of Tucson

Selected Archive Filters

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