A famous mountain lion known as the "Hollywood Cat" is being evaluated by wildlife officials after exhibiting signs of distress, including killing a leashed dog in a residential neighborhood.
Sales of marijuana in Arizona soared to $1.6 billion in 2021, just one year after recreational pot was legalized in the state, making Arizona second only to California for retail sales that year.
While Mexicans still account for the largest group of migrants, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, their share of the total has been slipping compared to Cubans and refugees from Central and South America.
She is asking a court to throw out certified election results from the state's most populous county and either declare her the winner or rerun the governor's election in that county.
AZPM is a service of the University of Arizona and our broadcast stations are licensed to the Arizona Board of Regents who hold the trademarks for Arizona Public Media and AZPM. We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples.