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$80,726 to go by this Saturday, June 30th!

Your support is needed now to help end the fiscal year strong!

Sales Tax Initiative Fight Going to Court

Education group says it will challenge state's rejection of petitions

Wildcats Win College World Series

Arizona beats S. Carolina 4-1; McKale Center celebration at noon

U.S. Stops Deputizing AZ Officers for Immigration

Training agreements end as result of Supreme Court's SB 1070 ruling

$107,694 to go by this Saturday, June 30th!

With less than a week to go, your support is needed NOW to help end the fiscal year strong!

SB 1070: An Arizona Illustrated Special Report

U.S. Supreme Court rules on SB 1070; Arizona and the nation react

Moyers and Company

Join Bill Moyers for a weekly hour of conversation about life and the state of American democracy. Friday at 9 p.m. on PBS 6

"Stop and Check" Provision Upheld

Three of four other contested provisions struck down in controversial AZ law, SB 1070

Barber Holds His First 'Congress On Your Corner'

Police officers provide security at public event with more than 300 people

Episode 76: Waiting for SB 1070 Decision

It won't be over, no matter what U.S. Supreme Court decides

$109,636 to go by June 30th!

Your support is needed now to help end the fiscal year strong!

$126,021 to go by June 30th!

Your support is needed now to help end the fiscal year strong!

AZ Week: SB 1070 Decision's Fallout

If upheld, it will lead to renewed legal action on civil rights grounds

UPDATE: Obama, Romney Clash on Immigration

They make competing presentations to influential Latino organization

AZ Illustrated: Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mexican elections, Arizona ranchers and more

Photographer Strives to Capture Vanishing Culture

Scott Baxter travels the state to record the ranching tradition

Selected Archive Filters

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The University of Arizona