More Environment University of Arizona Stories

Forests Worldwide Vulnerable to Drought, UA Researcher Says

UA scientist contributes to climate change findings

UA Hurricane Watchers Predict More Storms This Year

Researchers still expect six Atlantic hurricanes during next two months

Group Helps Grow Interest in Agriculture, Gardening and Nutrition

Cooperative Extension offers many programs in Arizona.

Successful Crowdfunding Keeps 'Camp Cooper' Open

With $80,000 raised towards $100,000 goal, camp will continue tradition of environmental education.

METRO WEEK: Solar Energy Advances in the Southwest

As residents add solar, companies try to improve solar panels

Could Amish Farm Dust Provide Relief from Asthma?

Tucson researchers are seeking clues from rural Indiana communities.

Faced with Cuts, 'Camp Cooper' Turns to Public for Help

The camp will lose about half of $200,000 staffing budget next year

MacArthur Fellow Gary Paul Nabhan

Scientist, food activist and writer raises awareness and enthusiam about plants, food, and a healthy environment.

Arizona 'Unique Laboratory' for Sustainability, Scientist Says

Focus on future of food, water, energy and impact on society at Biosphere 2 conference.

Colorado River Pulse Flow 'Has Long-Lasting Effects'

Scientists still hard at work one year after historic project to restore flow below Yuma.

New Building May Be Greenest on UA Campus

$75 million Environment and Natural Resources structure set to be complete in June.

Project Hopes to Photograph Jaguars, Ocelots Near Tucson

Camera traps set up at more than 200 places in mountains surrounding the city.

Former UA Biology Student Aims to Conserve Freshwater Fish

Zeb Hogan, now host of "Monster Fish" on National Geographic Channel, explores rivers all around the world.

Disease Drives Shrimp Prices; UA Researcher Seeks Solution

Syndrome kills species when young, causing entire crops to be lost; scientist finds way to detect it early on.

UA Researchers Study Climate Change Effects In Amazon Trees

University scientists part of international research team; recently wrapped up field work in Peru.

Water Future Looks Gloomy for Arizona, Surrounding Region

2016 expected to be tough year due to ongoing droughts, rising demand from increase in population.

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Environment, University of Arizona
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