More Environment News Water Stories

Clearer, Better Smelling Santa Cruz River A Good Sign

River report says quality of water is improving

Arizona Water Chief: California Should Share Drought Burden

During shortage, Arizona absorbs majority of cuts of Colorado River allocations.

EPA Rule Could Protect Tucson's Washes; Businesses Object

Rule extends law to seasonal waterways that criss-cross the city; some businesses object.

Report: Improved Municipal Water Use in Colorado Basin

But long-term planning needed to deal with inevitable shortages as demand on river grows.

AZ WEEK: Water Use Down, Future Supply Threatened

State has planned, but problems from water shortages to invasive species exist.

Arizona 'Unique Laboratory' for Sustainability, Scientist Says

Focus on future of food, water, energy and impact on society at Biosphere 2 conference.

Colorado River Pulse Flow 'Has Long-Lasting Effects'

Scientists still hard at work one year after historic project to restore flow below Yuma.

Insect Experts Report Active Season of Africanized Honeybees in Arizona

Abundant blooms are providing growing opportunities for the aggressive bees.

Report: Colorado River Most Endangered River in US

Three human-caused sources listed as dangerous for river that flows through Arizona.

7% Increase in Tucson Water Rates Proposed

Average residential bill would rise as much as $4.13 starting in July.

METRO WEEK: Tucson's Water Supply Assured - For Now

Conservation, CAP supply storage, intergovernmental pacts help in short term, but crisis coming.

As California Sets New Water Restrictions, Arizona Resources Dwindle

State official says Arizona water shortage does not meet California's severity, yet.

Arizona Drought Conditions Decline, But Water Issues Remain

Most of state still in moderate to severe categories drought; small Rockies snow pack remains chief worry.

Rosemont Copper Mine Hits Roadblock, Air Pollution Permit Overturned

Maricopa County Superior Court says AzDEQ acted “contrary to law”

Bountiful Brilliant Blooms Expected This Spring

Scientists say good wildflower conditions may be manifest in certain Sonoran Desert sites.

Tucson Winter Rain Has Been Reliable So Far

4 inches in 2 months gives region boost it needs in cycle, meteorologists say.

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