More Government Tucson Stories

Arts Council Searches for Jan. 8 Memorial Designers

Individual artists or teams have until end of month to submit ideas; winner will also contribute to renovation of El Presidio Park.

AZ WEEK: Terrorism Threats on Border Unlikely, Analyst Says

Author, border expert argues terrorists more likely to get in with legitimate passport than entering illegally.

Tucson Council Lifts Size Restrictions for Medical Marijuana Cultivation Sites

Councilwoman Uhlich says scratching overly restrictive regulations for local sites can help lower costs for patients.

Tucson City Council Asks Public to Weigh In On City Manager Search

Special meeting scheduled for Thursday to hear from people about process city will use to recruit Richard Miranda replacement.

UPDATE: Arizona Storm Leaves 2 Dead; Statewide Emergency

Deaths in Tucson, Oracle Junction in flooded washes; major freeways closed most of Monday in Phoenix area.

UA Medical Board Agrees Ousted Surgeon Wrongfully Fired

University Physicians Healthcare says it will adopt recommendations by independent panel including reinstating Rainer Gruessner as faculty member.

AZ WEEK: DuVal Says Improving Education Means Better Economy

Arizona governor candidate says part of attracting businesses is having a highly skilled workforce.

Arrests of Unaccompanied Minors in Southern AZ Border Continue to Drop

Still, more than 900 child migrants apprehended in July, August in Border Patrol’s Tucson sector.

Pima County Superior Court Goes Paperless

Digital dashboard for judges would consolidate case documents, data onto computer screen; may be rolled out across Arizona.

METRO WEEK: Border, Economy at Center of Barber, McSally Rematch

Former Air Force pilot breezed through Republican primary, will face off Democratic incumbent Barber in Nov.

Veterans Affairs: No Proof Appointment Delays Caused Deaths

Revelations that as many as 40 veterans died while awaiting care at the Phoenix VA hospital rocked the agency last spring.

Panel Clears Ousted UA Surgeon of All Charges

Say medical center failed to prove termination was justified; final say on action in University Physician Healthcare's hands.

AZ Week: Film Explores Whether Real 'El Chapo' Captured

Recent poll in Mexico shows country nearly split on believing drug lord was apprehended in February.

Medical Marijuana Advocates Appeal State Rules on PTSD Patients

When DHS added disorder to MMJ Act it came with prohibitions including enforcing proof patient is undergoing conventional therapy.

METRO WEEK: Efforts Under Way to Ease Cross-Border Business

Arizona, Sonora states working to improve infrastructure, regional cooperation.

DPS Slow to Return to Pre-Recession Staffing Levels

Department starting to increase staff again, but not quickly enough to make up for losses, upcoming retirements.

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Government, Tucson
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