More Environment History Stories

"Never again, para nadie."

Also on Arizona Spotlight: New state law that may provide justice for greater numbers of Indigenous women and girls; A reaction to the Trump administration changing the Endangered Species Act; and a very short story from Aurelie Sheehan.

Ocean & Space

Learn about UA scientists in the Southern Ocean measuring climate change; and celebrating the past and future of space exploration at Spacefest X.

Arizona Spotlight for August 1st, 2019

Looking back at a 1979 radioactive contamination in Tucson, and citizens working together; exploring the history of Harvey Houses in Arizona; and a couple finds common ground with "One Small Step".

Geoff Notkin on the past - and future - of space exploration.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Mexican rock stars sing out about immigration; and a party to celebrate the "The Queen of the Night" at Tohono Chul.

Initial flow for Santa Cruz River project goes beyond expectations

The project pumping reclaimed water into a section of river near downtown saw water reach farther downriver than predicted.

UA researchers dating ancient volcanic eruption using tree rings

The tree rings can help them understand more about the explosion of a volcano thousands of years ago.

Walking in the footsteps of Sara Plummer Lemmon

The story of a botanist and artist who had a mountain named after her.

Tucson Youth Put National Parks in Focus

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Visit the Center for Compassion Studies; NASA pioneer Dee O'Hara interview; Adiba Nelson talks "From Period to Postpartum"; holiday traditions old and new.

Climate Change Could Drive Vegetation Changes

Tucson-based scientist charting similar changes from Ice Age.

UA Tree-Ring Researchers Add to Climate Study

Tracked expansion of the tropics; linked it to Sonoran drought

Master Gardeners Celebrate 35 Years in Pima County

Volunteers have been "planting knowledge" since 1983.

A Helping Hand for Nature

Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge volunteer time and effort.

Listening Beyond the Wall

Also on Arizona Spotlight: "Cleopatra - No Submissive Woman"; bobcats in the backyard; and how Film Tucson is bringing Hollywood back to The Old Pueblo.

100 Years of Stories: Arizona Centenarians

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Are raises for Arizona teachers guaranteed?; how a little bird provided a clue about Arizona's changing climate; and visit "Saxorcism", an immersive music experience.

Are "Dark Skies" Good for Tucson?

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Democratic candidates for governor talk education funding; Michael F. Blake on "The Cowboy President", and a backstage visit with "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".

Lifeblood of the Desert: Restoration Brings New Life to Santa Cruz River

The river has supported four millennia of agriculture and growth in Tucson.

Selected Archive Filters

Environment, History
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