More Books Music People and Places Tucson Stories

A tale of true love that began in Tucson in 1943 continues today...

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Visit Valley of the Moon; Marquez Price on "digital detoxing"; and 65 years of local television history in the AZPM Video Archive.

Sharing lived experience with keen observation.

On this Arizona Spotlight, hear three women who are telling vibrant stories across different mediums.

See - and hear - Chaplin's "City Lights", presented by The Fox Tucson Theatre and the Tucson Symphony Orchestra.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: NPR's Sarah McCammon on her autobiographical memoir "Ex-vangelicals"; and a story about lessons in Little league and life from Steve Braun.

"40 years of Missing You": rock singer John Waite celebrates his hit-making career.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: "A Conversation with Edith Head" returns to Invisible Theatre; the founder of Odyssey Storytelling on building community for 20 years; and Luis Alberto Urrea remembers giving his first autograph.

What it is to see, and be seen... ArtWorks explores the portrait in "Face 2 Face".

Also on Arizona Spotlight: The inspiring story of Shirley Chisholm on stage; and an ambitious new musical called "Alice by Heart".

A new radio drama: "Six Ways to Get Bit by a Rattlesnake"

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Hydropower on the Navajo Nation; Preview the upcoming Oro Valley Arts Festival; Listen to a poem by Rick Wamer, and a new song from Gabrielle Pietrangelo.

Celebrating a unique vision with "Bruce McGrew: Continuum".

Also on Arizona Spotlight: How Prop 308 made higher education attainable for undocumented students; and why Kidz At Play is not a rap group.

The musical passion of Kid Congo Powers.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Chris Carlone on his new film exploring Tucson's punk rock past; and how the community of Bisbee is working to support wildlife in cooperation with the Arizona Wildlife Federation.

The Tucson Jewish Museum and Holocaust Center - A source of strength, not sorrow.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Remembering the local 1960s peace movement with Archive Tucson; Poet and author Linda D. Addison on crafting stories from darkness and light; and "Stories That Soar!" presents "Andrew the Rapper".

Why this wildflower is worrying naturalists in Arizona.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Martha Retallick on her "City Nature"; German fellow visits the AZPM Studio; and, a look into a Dolly Parton themed dance party.

"Billie! Backstage with Lady Day" at Invisible Theatre.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Revisiting a cookbook that represents Tucson's Black community; remembering the last of the Universal Monster performers, Ricou Browning; and a poem about what a kit a cat can be by Rick Wamer.

Artist Michael Moore and the natural world in charcoal.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Visit a nearly century-old bowling alley in a Mexican mining town; find out why an open mic night in Sierra Vista has a dedicated audience; and Nichelle Nichols remembered.

"We Are Prone To Accidents Close to Home..." The songs of Oceanography.

Also on ARIZONA SPOTLIGHT: How UA recipients of the Mellon Foundation's "Fronteridades" grant are exploring the border experience; and author Jodie Hollander talks about leading a free series of "Poetry in the Parks" workshops.

Arizona Spotlight for February 10th, 2022

On Arizona Spotlight: Dr. Regina N. Bradley on the greater influence of Southern hip hop; members of Tucson's Jewish Community react to the Tennessee banning of the graphic novel "Maus: A Survivor's Tale"; and explore the dream history of Downtown Tucson.

How A.J. Croce connected with his father through the music they loved.

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Author Michelle Ross on her story collection "Shapeshifting"; and Heather Massie's solo show "HEDY! The Life & Inventions of Hedy Lamarr" comes to Arizona.

Luis Alberto Urrea shares the blueprint for "The House of Broken Angels".

Also on Arizona Spotlight: A new doc catches up with creative powerhouse Angelo Moore; and listen to excerpts from "Keep the Singing" by poet Liza Porter.

Selected Archive Filters

Books, Music, People and Places, Tucson
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