More Health & Medicine U.S. Stories

Flu Cases Up in Pima County, But Still Low for the Year

Majority of cases in the county occurred in the past three weeks.

Report: Tucson Lacks Policies to Improve Citizen Health

CityHealth says Tucson is deficient in 7 of the 9 policies authors think can keep a population healthy.

City Program Works to Limit Children's Exposure to Lead

Federal grant pays for lead testing, abatement at low-income family's homes.

Health Care Market Opens; Two Carriers in Pima County

Officials are reaching out to raise awareness of coverage options, financial assistance.

Smoking in Arizona at Historic Low, 14% of Adults: Report

State officials credit higher awareness of health effects in last 5 years.

30 Zika Cases Reported in Arizona Since Outbreak Began

More than a third of all cases reported in state came in last month.

SynCardia Official: Tucson Operations Expected to Continue

Artificial heart manufacturer went through bankruptcy, sale in July.

Mosquito Season Brings Worry of West Nile More Than Zika

Health officials say West Nile Virus is a danger in Arizona; 7 deaths last year.

Pima County Uninsured Rate Dropped in 2014

Census Bureau reports percentage of uninsured working-age people lowest since 2006.

UA Project Aims to Untangle Medical Jargon for Patients

Management Information Systems project will put information in layman's terms for doctors.

AZ WEEK: Supreme Court Rulings' Impact on Arizona

Court upholds key part of Affordable Care Act; redistricting decision forthcoming

Arizona Healthcare Signups Nearly Doubled in Last Open Enrollment

Total statewide enrollment is now more than 200,000

Missed Insurance Deadline? Maybe Not.

Federal gov. extends window to buy health insurance to end of April to avoid tax penalty

72,000 More Arizonans Sign up for Affordable Care Act Insurance

Federal marktplace opened Nov. 15, remains open until Feb. 15 for health coverage; 77% of signups are subsidized.

If You Want Health Care By Jan. 1, Buy It Through Marketplace Today

People have to enroll by 15th of every month if they want insurance to kick in first day of following month.

Consumer Group: Parents Should Keep an Ear Out for Loud Toys

Annual report highlights products that are harmful to children, including some that can cause hearing loss.

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Health & Medicine, U.S.
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