More Elections - Arizona Stories

Prop 123: How We Got Here, What Your Vote Means

Settlement to longstanding lawsuit would pump billions into Arizona schools.

Register to Vote by Monday for May 17 Special Election

Two ballot issues: expanding state land trust payout for schools; pension reform.

Arizona Campaign Finance Law Change: 'Dark Money' Victory?

Pro: Law will protect donors; con: deregulation reduces accountability.

Latino Voters Look to Candidates' Ideas, Vision

'Arizona Week' expands AZPM's series Emerging Voices: The Latino Vote

Proposal Would Raise State Minimum Wage to $12 Hourly

Current minimum is $8.05; group seeks initiative measure for November ballot.

Maricopa County Recorder: 'I Made a Giant Mistake'

Voters and lawmakers express anger in hearing about problems with last week’s election

Legalize Marijuana Group Raises Big Campaign Money

Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol raises most in 2015.

Pima County Voters Have Returned Half of Early Ballots

Thursday is the last day to mail early ballots back before Tuesday’s Presidential Preference Primary.

Latino Advocacy Groups Unite to Strengthen Voter Turnout

'Emerging Voices: The Latino Vote' Part 2: 40 organizations tell parties, 'Enough!'

Latino Population Grows; Voting Lags in Arizona, Across Nation

Can growth be translated into political influence for nation's largest minority?

Advocacy Group to High School Students: Your Vote Counts

Mi Familia Vota reaching out to Tucson high school students for presidential election.

Voter Registration Numbers Decline in State, Pima County

Independents gain as largest voting bloc; Republicans next, Dems lag.

Sunnyside School Trustee Hernandez Seeks House Seat

Former intern credited with helping save Giffords after shooting will run in District 2

Democrat Appointed to Vacant Tucson Legislative Seat

Matt Kopec, aide to City Councilwoman Uhlich, named by Board of Supervisors.

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Elections - Arizona
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